Benefits of Water

  • Helps in Digestion – decreases the risk of constipation. We are the constipated nation! Just add fibre and water.
  • Helps us lose weight – maintain our ideal weight and lose weight because it reduces hunger. Water is an effective appetite suppressant, so we eat less. Water also assists in eliminating the by-products of fat breakdown.
  • Helpsrelieve headaches – Drinking water helps to relieve headaches caused by dehydration. Lack of water is a common cause of headaches.
  • Helps relieve fatigue – Water can help flush from the body the toxins and waste products that cause a lack of energy.
  • Helps us to look younger, with healthier skin – Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin, and increases skin elasticity.
  • Helps improve memory – Since the brain is 85% water, drinking water helps us to think better, be more alert, and concentrate more.
  • Helps improve energy to exercise more – Drinking water helps regulate our body temperature and therefore sustain a greater amount of exercise.
  • Reduces the symptoms of allergies – Water helps soothe respiratory problems. Dehydration increases histamine levels and makes allergy symptoms worse. 94% of asthma patients found relief in drinking a large amount of water at the first sign of breathing problems. Water will help cut down on asthma/hay fever attacks and soothe respiratory problems. It thins out secretions.
  • Helps reduce the risk of cancer – Research suggests that drinking an adequate amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder and colon cancers.
  • Keeps blood viscosity thinner – Thicker blood increases stroke and heart disease risk. Lack of water causes dehydration of red blood cells, making them less flexible, with a greater tendency to clot. Diabetes is also associated with thicker blood.
  • Helps create a positive attitude -A 2009 Tufts University study found that a lack of adequate water consumption has a tangible impact on our mood. The study’s subjects were 31 male and female athletes who performed 60 to 75 minutes of high-impact aerobic activity while mildly dehydrated. These students reported feeling more tiredness, depression, confusion tension, or anger than those who drank adequate amounts of water and engaged in similar activities.

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