WHAT IS Wellness?
Better Living refers to the overall sense of well-being that accompanies optimal health. Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well- being not merely the absence of disease (WHO). Wellness is first and foremost a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life. It begins with a conscious decision to shape a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is a mindset, a predisposition to adopt a series of key principles in varied life areas that lead to high levels of well-being and life satisfaction.
Wellness is an alternative to dependency on doctors and drugs, to complacency, to mediocrity and to self-pity, boredom and slothfulness. The areas which are most closely affected by your wellness commitments include self-responsibility, exercise and fitness, nutrition, stress management, critical thinking, meaning and purpose in life, spirituality, emotional intelligence, humor and play, and effective relationships.

How do we achieve Wellness?
- Become a chiropractic patient
- Improve your nutrition
- Exercise and massage therapy
- Drink plenty of water
- Get educated about health
- Use our experience
- Change to healthier habits
- Get more sleep
- Manage and reduce emotional stress
- Embrace spirituality
- Be optimistic
Why is focusing on wellness so important?
- Leading cause of death in 1900, infections and acute disease
- Leading cause of death in 2012, chronic disease and degeneration
- Government studies recommend physical activity, healthy diet and smoke-free lifestyle to prevent disease
- Top three leading causes of death are cancer, heart disease and strokes regardless of ages
- According to government studies these leading killer diseases are preventable
- Regular screenings considered helpful for early detection and treatment but they do not prevent disease
- Chronic diseases diminish quality of life regardless of age, but most prominently for the elderly
- In 2030, 70 million Canadians will be 65 and older (double what it is now)
Better Living care will give you an opportunity to achieve the following:
- Enjoy a life with less/no pain
- Subluxation free spine
- Maintain proper weight
- Reduce the risk for degenerative disease
- Eliminate need for medications
- Increase fitness and flexibility
- Reduce the need of surgeries
- Become educated and motivated regarding the reasons lifestyle choices matter
- Improve the quality of your life
- Live longer and healthier
- Increase your energy and sense of well-being
- Reduce your health care cost